In 2013, a word of prophecy was spoken about the Rock - Rock HAITI. In 2014, a team travelled to Haiti for the first time. After the second trip in 2015, a dear woman who we loved died of malnutrition leaving three young orphans, all girls. The Lord was beginning to make clear that The Rock was to be established in Haiti to minister to the children there and provide a means of income for the believer's in the Village of Bercy. In 2016 the first Kids Club was held with over 150 children attending and in 2017 a prayer team went back to Haiti to pray with the churches and pastors there in the village. In December 2017, The Rock went back to Haiti to sponsor a crusade in the village, which was attended by over 1000 people and 63 people gave their lives to Christ! In March 2018, a team went to begin regular Rock Services and a food distribution program, as well as start a prayer Revival at our local partner church which ended up lasting 53 days! Currently, we are working on purchasing land to house short term missionaries in the Village, as well as continue to bring teams to Haiti and raise funds for Rock Ministry Services and food distribution to impoverished families in the village.
Please note in your donation 'Haiti' and it will be reserved for this purpose only.
$25 Provides a Food Box for a family
$200 Sponsors a Rock Service & Dinner for over 100 kids!
Any amount will help fund the purchase of land to house short term missionaries.
The mission of The Rock Haiti is three fold:
To increase the number of un-churched children and families who regularly attend Spirit filled churches in the village of Bercy, Cabaret, Haiti by providing “Rock Ministry” family outreach events at the local partner churches which will include door to door visitation, prayer, and invitations followed by the primary ministry events which provide food, fun, prizes, and the presentation of the Gospel in a relevant manner which everyone can understand and respond to.
To equip the local pastors and leaders in the village of Bercy, Cabaret, Haiti to effectively carry on ministry to their community by providing leadership, discipleship, prayer, and encouragement for them as they minister in a most difficult area. This will include the provision of sound Biblical teaching for the pastors and leaders as well as the practical application of that teaching through revivals, crusades, and local service and ministry opportunities such as “Rock Ministry” events for local children and families.
To provide a means of income for believers who attend local Spirit filled churches in an effort to provide a means of supporting their families, establishing dignity, providing discipleship, and enabling them to become leaders and contributing members of the local church and the needs of people in their communites.